🔥 Our incredible community provides over $1 billion in resources! 💥These resources are provided by our members, affiliates, business partners, and sponsors. Please do your research to make sure these opportunities haven't expired for the following year when applications are due. Join their mailing lists or follow them on social media to receive updates on upcoming application deadlines and other important announcements.
Congratulations on taking the exciting step towards higher education and for considering my assistance in this important journey! As a Maryland State Delegate, I'm delighted to announce the availability of Delegate Scholarships each year, specifically designed to support individuals like yourself who are dedicated to advancing their education. My office is wholeheartedly committed to aiding you in accessing diverse resources to help you achieve your academic ambitions. Whether you're a high school senior, an undergraduate or graduate student, or enrolled in a private career school on a full-time or part-time basis, rest assured that we are dedicated to supporting your educational endeavors.
To determine scholarship eligibility and to learn how and when to apply by March 16, 2024, please continue reading. If you still have any questions after reviewing the information below, please feel free to leave a voicemail at (410)-841-3429 or send an email to caylin.young@house.state.md.us or mail correspondence at 6 Bladen Street, Room 317, Annapolis, MD 21401
I wish you the best of luck and success in your future endeavors!
Delegate Caylin Young
45th District