🔥 Our incredible community provides over $1 billion in resources! 💥These resources are provided by our members, affiliates, business partners, and sponsors. Please do your research to make sure these opportunities haven't expired for the following year when applications are due. Join their mailing lists or follow them on social media to receive updates on upcoming application deadlines and other important announcements.
Business and Property Development Programs
Economic & Community Development Business and Property Development Programs
Phone: 301-725-5300 Ext. 2313
Email: ecd@laurel.md.us
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grant Programs
*OPEN* Smart Move Grant Program
The purpose of the Smart Move Grant Program is to provide financial support to businesses starting up or relocating to the City due to the COVID-19 pandemic and to support new business startups in order to fill commercial, office, and industrial vacancies within the City that are due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
*OPEN* Business Facade Improvement Grant Program
The purpose of the Business Facade Improvement Grant Program is to provide funding to property owners to improve the appearance of commercial, office, and industrial properties located within the City that have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
*OPEN* Legacy Business Grant Program
The purpose of the Legacy Business Grant Program is to provide funding to businesses that have been located within the City of Laurel for at least five (5) years and have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Main Street Grant Programs
*OPEN* Main Street Business Relocation Grant Program
The purpose of the Main Street Business Relocation Grant Program is to help defer the costs of physically moving an existing business to a vacant storefront or to assist in the start-up of a new business to a vacant storefront.
*TEMP CLOSED* Main Street Façade Improvement Grant Program
The intent of the Main Street Façade Improvement Grant Program is to provide funding to improve the appearance of the Main Street area of the City.
*CLOSED* Main Street Business Recovery Micro-Grant Program
The goal of this grant program is to provide the opportunity for Main Street businesses to increase their marketing presence through websites, façade improvements, social media, and in print.
*CLOSED* Main Street Strong COVID-19 Small Business Grant Program
The goal of this Program is to provide financial support to businesses in the City of Laurel's designated Main Street area that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
*CLOSED* Main Street Marketing Technical Assistance Program
The goal of this Program is to provide the opportunity for Main Street businesses to increase their online presence and online sales by providing funds to pay for website and social media design, build, and maintenance.
If a program is marked *CLOSED* then all funds have been awarded or disbursed. Some programs may re-open if additional funding is secured.
If a program is marked *OPEN* then that program is still accepting applications until all funds have been awarded or disbursed.
Stay updated on their grant opportunities by visiting their website annually at https://www.cityoflaurel.org/ecd/business-and-property-development-programs