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LA Tutors awards students who showcase their creativity and make positive impacts with a $500 Innovation in Education scholarship. On an ongoing monthly basis, this scholarship is open to all currently enrolled high school and college students who showcase their creativity while helping those around them (whether that be in a creative fundraiser, an inventive new app, series of blog posts on a particular theme, or another idea). The application deadline is 11:59 pm PST on the 20th of each month.
On an ongoing $500 monthly scholarship to students showcasing creativity and making positive impacts
- Must be currently enrolled in high school or college
- Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (or the equivalent)
- Must be a citizen of, permanent resident of, or hold a valid student visa in the United States or Canada
To Enter:
- Visit our online application portal at https://www.latutors123.com/scholarships/innovation-in-education/
- Submit an essay describing their innovative project
- Provide supporting documentation (letter of recommendation, news article/photo featuring their project, etc.)
There are no fees associated with our scholarship and featured past winners and their accomplishments can be found at the bottom of the web page.